Things That Make You Go, Hmmmm....

I can think better when my feet can breathe!!


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Gluten Free Almond Crackers

A gluten free and low carb cracker solution. These are very tasty and they can be sweet or savory depending on the seasonings you choose. They are not as sturdy as a regular cracker however!

1 cup almond meal
1 egg
seasonings of choice (sweet or savory!)

Combine meal and seasonings in a bowl using a fork. Break up any clumps in the almond meal. Crack egg directly into the bowl and mix well will fork. It will make a crumby dough.

Roll a teaspoons worth of dough into a ball. Place it on a foil lined sheet pan and cover with a small square of parchment. Use a can with a shallow lip and flatten the ball into a thin disk. Repeat with the remaining dough.

Bake at 325 until they begin to brown.

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