Things That Make You Go, Hmmmm....

I can think better when my feet can breathe!!


Monday, November 2, 2009

November is INSANE!!!!

Between now and Thanksgiving I have the following big events on my calendar:

EPCOT Food and Wine
Lady of the Lakes Ren Fair
Deland Veteran's Day Parade
Private Hula Hooping Party
Orlando Pow Wow
(so far that is just this week BTW)
Orange City City Council Invocation
Sunshine Challenge
GCA Holiday Boutique (which I am not sure I am participating in)
Deland Music Fest
SLC Pot Luck
Flute Building Workshop
Deland Fall Festival of the Arts (2 days)

That is all BEFORE Thanksgiving and that list doesn't even include any drum circles or drum lessons!!!

It is crazy! What is it with November this year? Now, don't get me wrong! November is always insane but not usually like this!!

On top of all that I am beginning to feel the pressure to figure out what the heck we are going to do for Yule this year. Wonder if I can get away with throwing one big party and calling it done??? Hmmmm???

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