Things That Make You Go, Hmmmm....

I can think better when my feet can breathe!!


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Prayer for the City Council

Let us be
Let us be together
Let us be together in love
In respect
In honor
In appreciation
In wonder
In joy
Let us be together in harmony

Let us be together with unity
With peace
With hope
With charity
With compassion
With justice
With mercy
Let us be together with gladness for all that makes us human, striving to be and become more than we are, to become more human, more merciful, justice-seeking, and loving.

Fill us with the spirit of all heroes and heroines, saints and saviors, named and unnamed. Fill us with the spirit of love, of hope, of justice.

Enable us to desire rightly and to be of use in the service of others. Be with this assembly in its work tonight. Grant them the wisdom to create what is essential for the common good. Keep within each of their hearts a love for the cause of community welfare and a dedication to enrich the lives of all in our community.

Let us be
Let us be together this day and all days to come.

So Be It, Namaste, Amen.

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