Things That Make You Go, Hmmmm....

I can think better when my feet can breathe!!


Monday, July 6, 2009

Six Months are Up!

Back in January I decided that I was not going to actively try to lose any more weight for six months. I was getting really burnt out on the process after a year and a half and felt I needed a break. After losing over 100 pounds my body probably needed a break as well! So I decided to maintain my current weight and step back my workouts considerably for six months. So for the last six months I have been following an expanded IF program (12/12) and maintained an active lifestyle through hooping and poi.

So six months have past. I have successfully maintained my weight although I think I have lost a little LBM, but not much. AND, it was really easy to do. So now the question remains. How much do I still want to lose and how do I want to go about doing it?

According to those pesky government endorsed BMI charts I still need to loose 45 pounds to be in the mid range of "normal". Honestly, I'm not sure I want to lose 45 pounds. I don't think I want to be that skinny! Twenty-six pounds will put me at the top range of normal so I think I will shoot for that and go from there. Not that I am caught up with BMI charts. I think they are ridiculous and don't take very important factors into account, namely existing lean body mass. But number are easy to measure so I will take them for what they are worth (not much) and use them as I see fit...

I will be moving back to an 8/16 IF regime and steping up my workouts. I won't be working out to the extent I was before. Right now I am looking at continuing my daily Sun Salutations but slowing them down considerably (it really is amazing how much harder they are REALLY slow) and incorporating kettlebells back into the mix! Of course I will keep up with the hooping and poi and my general active lifestyle.

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