Things That Make You Go, Hmmmm....

I can think better when my feet can breathe!!


Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Why do people get so worked up over words? Perhaps it is just a bit of my naivete showing, but I seriously do not understand why people take words so personally. Why can't I call my MALE letter carrier a mailman? 'Mailman' describes what he does. It does not make me anti-feminist anymore than calling him a 'letter carrier' makes me a feminist.

I am growing tired of the gender, age and racial neutral society we live in. Why is neutralizing everything seen as a positive thing. Man, woman, young, old, Greek, Hispanic, green, purple, short, tall, all contribute to the diversity of our world. I don't want to live in a gray world. Can't we all just be who we are, hold hands and sing Kum Ba Ya. (Dang it!, there is that 'idealistic hippie' in me coming out!)

It's all just SEMANTICS people!!!!!!!

1 comment:

CyberLizard said...

seMANtics? How misogynistic ;-)