Things That Make You Go, Hmmmm....

I can think better when my feet can breathe!!


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Cold Weather and Home Brewing

Seriously??? I live in Florida and should not have to worry about this stuff. I started 3 batches of various meads and melomels on Tuesday. Today? NOTHING!!! Thinking that I must have added the yeast too early or that it was bad to begin with, off I went to the home brew store to buy more so I didn't lose all three batches. Of course, half way there it dawns on me that it is FREAKING cold out.

Thinking back, I don't think I have ever started any wine during the winter months. That is usually a spring activity. I live in Florida, monitoring room temperature is not usually an issue in the spring!!

Since I am already half way to Daytona at this point I figure it wouldn't hurt to have some back up yeast and I was almost out of acid blend anyways. Besides I hadn't been to the Daytona store yet and that is just a travesty!!!

So after discussing my 'lack o fermentation' problem with the guy at Homebrew Emporium, we concluded that it is more likely that the fermentors are too cold and not murder on my part.

He then asks me if I know how a sweat lodge is built. Umm, interesting question. Even more interesting (and surprising to him I think) is that I do, indeed, know how because I built a few in college. So, he tells me to apply the same concept to the fermentors to get everything going. Brilliant idea!!! I think I am going to market and patent it!!!

So I came home and built a sweat lodge for my mead! LOL It only took 5 minutes for the blueberry port in the secondary to become active again so I am hopeful for the mead. And if it does turn out that I murdered 100 billion innocent yeast cells, I have more... (Can you murder yeast, the aren't technically animals are they?? Where is my biology book...)

1 comment:

CyberLizard said...

I'm glad that you have been spared the scarring that surely would have accompanied the murder of so many innocent lives. Are yeast even considered "alive"? Is it murder if the beings aren't sapient? What's the difference between "sapient" and "sentient"? I always forget. I could google it, but I'm too lazy.