Things That Make You Go, Hmmmm....

I can think better when my feet can breathe!!


Friday, February 6, 2009

Luckily my heart is working just fine....

So after my long day, I come home to a reasonably small amount of email to filter through. Only 70 or 80! So I am scrolling through the list to see if anything "important" jumps out at me before delving into the list of various musings, complaints, etc. The "You have reached your thresh hold limit" jumps out at me. See, I have my bank account set to notify me if my account ever drops below $100. This, of course, catches my eye considering it is merely the 6th of the month. The next email on the list is my daily balance statement which informs me I am over drawn by almost $200. WHAT THE $%^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After I get my panic attack under control, I log on to the bank and find my account in perfect working order with the correct amount of money exactly where it is supposed to be. No crazy pending transactions, no charges being returned, nothing. All is well and good. I immediately go back and check out the email. Looks fine, doesn't look like a phishing email, looks exactly like every other daily balance notification I get.

I call the CSR for my bank. She can't figure out why I got the email. She gets her supervisor on the phone. She can't figure out why I got the email. I am transfered to the security and fraud department. They verify the email. It was, indeed, sent to me from Regions. THEY can't figure out why I got the email.

So my bank had a good laugh on me playing "Ha, ha! Made ya look..."

Now, three hours later, my headache from my blood pressure jumping a good 30 points in a mater of a second and a half, is finally going away. I still need a glass of wine and now I am paranoid about my bank account. Maybe I need some of my son's meds!!! LOL

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