Things That Make You Go, Hmmmm....

I can think better when my feet can breathe!!


Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I am trying to figure out what part of me feels the need to interact with idiots. I will be the first person to tell my fellow homeschoolers not to feed the animals!!! Don't engage naysayers, don't allow debate. Stand your ground. Your children, your choice! Plain and simple. Yet I still, every once in a while open myself up for a debate. Most of the time it is with people who are just curious or are truely interested in understanding why I would choose to homeschool my children. Then there is that one person....

Today I found myself in a debate with a person that still lives firmly in the 1960's. Someone who is completely clueless about the decline in the public education system. Someone who still believes that homeschooling is illegal and only done by society fearing fundies that lock their children in the basement and drill Bible verses into their heads so they can go forth and save the masses when they get older.

This was probably not the best day to engage me in a philosophical debate or question my parenting choices. Regardless I tried to remain calm and the only person who caught the two sarcastic remarks that slipped past my bleeding tongue was the cashier who was unfortunate to witness the event.

FTR, all 70 year old recently retired school prinipals should probably avoid me the rest of the week!!!


Lacifur said...

Oh, dear. Why do people feel so superior? They obviously are missing out on witnessing the infinite real-world wisdom your children project. Mmmmm . . . wisdom.

I miss you! And, I can now say (officially) that, as a public school educator, wisdom comes from many parts of the world and in many shapes and sizes.

Just laugh at the crazies. You can secretly know that your sons will only learn MORE from these experiences. Buwahahahah - take that, crazies! You just helped them learn just that much more!

AM said...

Miss you too dear!! How is your first year going so far???