Things That Make You Go, Hmmmm....

I can think better when my feet can breathe!!


Friday, June 19, 2009

Confessions of a Lazy Brewer...

I admit it. I am a lazy brewer. I have never before kept a brewing log. Sure I write down my gravities and dates, sometimes. But for the most part I don't keep track of anything. I have always relied on my memory to keep track, which I'll admit is pretty good. But as I get older the ol' photographic memory is beginning to yellow. I have also been doing significantly more brewing then before. In the past I would do a batch of wine every couple months, taking the recipe out of my trusty recipe book. Now I am venturing into new territory and making my own recipes or significantly tweaking others and brewing 2 or three batches at once.

What is the latest happening that has caused me to admit my laziness?? That would be the 'mystery wine' that ROCKS but I can't for the life of me remember the technique or yeast I used to brew it. Not to mention, I am unsure if I followed the recipe in the book or fucked with it like I usually do! Then of course there is the 'Christmas in a Bottle' that I have people emailing me wanting to buy. Do I remember what yeast I used? Did I measure the amount of spice I put into it? Hell no! Why would I do something silly like that!!!

So, last night I sat down and started a brewing log. I went back and pulled all the dates for the Maple Mead I have going right now, wrote down the yeast and techniques used, logged racking dates, the whole nine yards. I also wrote down the next 3 recipes that I want to do. Instead of having them float around in my sometimes spacey blonde head, they are now officially on paper filed behind the "To Be Brewed" tab.

I suppose the trick now is to keep it up. I don't think that will be hard since I finally started it! Here's hopin'

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