Things That Make You Go, Hmmmm....

I can think better when my feet can breathe!!


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

You Know You're a Homeschooler When... (Part 9)

…you spend you Friday night researching snail copulation. (This one is courtesy of the Davis Clan. Y’all need to get out more!!!! Oh, and when is that co-op being scheduled!)

…your ten year old explains that his room is not dirty. He is simply running a basic psychology maze experiment on his brother.

…you have to make a rule that specifically says that you may not do psychological experiments on your brother.

…your ten year old has reached the point that when people ask him about school, he rolls his eyes and says, “I really need to develop a new line of T-shirts, then all I would have to do is point!”

…your children understand the inner workings of product development based on online games.

…your 8 year old builds replicas of medieval weaponry out of legos (do you remember the cross bow) and can accurately name the parts.

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