Things That Make You Go, Hmmmm....

I can think better when my feet can breathe!!


Monday, April 13, 2009

Break time is over...

I have been taking a little diet break since the beginning of the year. I hit a size 12 around then and over all very happy where I was. I still am very happy where I am but I think it is time to get back in the groove and set my next goal.

My BMI is currently at a 29 and I would like to see it come down to a 25. Now no one out there go thinking that I suddenly have some new found love for BMI charts. I still think they are the most ridiculous and damaging things to come out of government health initiatives since the food pyramid. (Yeah, I think that sucks too!) However, goals need numbers and instead of pulling something out of my ass I am going to use something that people can relate too.

At a BMI of 25 I will still be considered overweight. I am a size 12 now. I imagine I will be a size 8 25 pounds lighter. Although I hope not. I really don't think my frame can support a size 8. We will have to see.

Today I am back to my tried and true LC/IF combination. I always feel great and am super productive on this plan so what's to loose!! Well, except the obvious! The difference this time around will be the workout. I am really over the whole hypertrophy type plans. This time I am keeping it short and sweet. Push-ups and kettlebells. Not working out for more than 15 minutes a day. Then on top of that, my hula hooping will add that extra cardio and core component.

My biggest challenge over the next few weeks will be my camping trip at the end of the month. LC is really hard to do with no refrigeration! Luckily the IF component allows me some leeway and I will be drumming and hooping all weekend so there will be plenty of calories burned! LOL Maybe I will take a kettlebell too!

OK, I am off to take measurements. I haven't doen that in a while. I know a few have gone up but I will be interested to see which!!

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