Things That Make You Go, Hmmmm....

I can think better when my feet can breathe!!


Sunday, January 25, 2009

I am an "anorexic heart attack waiting to happen"

Evidently someone feels I am a dangerous person.

And NO, not for the reasons many of you think! LOL

Why am I so dangerous??? Well I have the nerve to discuss my low carb diet and my intermittent fasting routine on my blog. Do a little research, buddy!!!!!!

Low carb works for many people. I never once said it works for everyone. I am a firm believer in finding what works for you. If your low fat diet works for you then great! OH and for the record, low carb DOES NOT mean high protein.

Intermittent fasting has more benefits than I can name. Do some research, it isn't hard to find. For me, the two main benefits are mental clarity and it's easy!!!! I do not stress over food. I no longer watch the clock to make sure I get my next mini meal in on time. I am no longer OCD over what I eat.

Let's go over my personal stats and see how dangerous this all sounds....

We will start with the biggie, weight loss....In the last 16 months I have lost 95 pounds. That works out to 1.4 pounds a week. Well with in the "safe weight loss" guidelines.

Next we will discuss body fat....Of that 95 pounds, 93 of them were body fat and 2 were lean body mass. Do THAT with your low fat diet!

Now we will move on to measurements....These number are only for 2008. I didn't start taking measurements until January 2008 and I haven't taken this months yet. In 2008 I lost 52.5 inches. That is FOUR AND A THIRD FEET.

Clothing...Down 9 dress sizes

Goal weight...160! Doesn't sound all that anorexic to me. Especially since I will still be considered over weight by the precious BMI charts.

Daily calories...between 1600 and amount that would send most anorexics into a purge (technically that is bulimia)

Medical... Total cholesterol down 35 points, Good cholesterol up 5 points, Triglycerides down 120 points, C-peptide levels normal for the first time in what seems like ever, Rheumatoid Factor normal for the first time in a decade, Blood pressure 110/70, umm what else....Endometriosis almost entirely asymptomatic, monthly cycle normal for the first time EVER...I think medical is covered

Gee what else???? I am sure I could go on and on.

Needless to say the rather derogatory comment was not approved and deleted. Sorry! But only I get to do the name calling on my blog!!!!


Anonymous said...

Just point me in their direction and I will tell them to STFU. :) Grrr... You have worked your butt off (literally) and deserve to flaunt all your skinny glory. Anyone saying anything derogatory about it is just whining because they lack the willpower and dedication to make the lifestyle changes you have embraced. Petty jealousy is not becoming, folks!!

Unknown said...

um.......ATTA GIRL!!!!!!!!!!